Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 2-28-2021

Date 2/28/21
Time 4pm PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom

Board Members Present via Zoom
Rick Johnson, Ben Mefford, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang , Trever Contreras, Eirene Bloomberg

Absent: none
Guests present Via Zoom: Carl Nelson, Therese Kingsbury, Tamara Buchanan, Cyra Jane Hobson, Bob Leverich

Ben Mefford called meeting to order at 4:00 PM PST
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting will be done at next meeting.

-Agenda items:
Carl Nelson: Everett Arboretum event

Cyra Jane Hobson-Symposium Director Updated BOD about status of Camp Pilgrim Firs ability to accommodate NWSSA on July 9-18th 2021 for Summer Symposium.

Therese Kingsbury shared about her new venue

Bob Leverich- Name change proposal for symposium to Salish Symposium.

Proposals made

Proposal: NWSSA support the Event to be held at the Everett Arboretum that Carl Nelson initiated.
Rick Johnson made a motion for the above proposal.
Trevor Contreras seconded this motion.
Discussion occurred.
Vote was taken.
Motion passed unanimously

Proposal: NWSSA move forward with planning for summer symposium at Camp Pilgrim Firs. Dates July 9-18th 2021.
Eirene Bloomberg made a motion for the above proposal
Julianne Kohn Seconded this motion.

Discussion Occurred:
Matters related to Covid safety measures were discussed in detail.
Vote was taken.
Motion passed unanimously to begin to plan for summer event.

Follow up from last meeting
Committee reports: Ellie Hochman reviewed list of BOD committees. She agreed to send them out to board president and then to board of directors before next meeting.

Next meeting Monday, March 29th, 2021 at 6pm Via Zoom

Meeting Minutes recorded by Ellie Hochman NWSSA Board of Directors Secretary 2-28-21


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