NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 11/3/2024
Time: 12:19 P.M. PST
Location: In Person, Ellie’s home/BOD Retreat Site
Board Members: Tamara Buchanan, Marcos Weiss, Karen Roe, Ellie Hochman, Oliver Harwood, Aerin Sizelove, Michael Yeaman (on cell phone)
Board Members Present: All
Quorum: Yes
Staff Present: None
Guests: None
A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called to order on 9/11/2024, at 6:34 P.M. PST. Tamara Buchanan (President) called the meeting to order.
Minutes Approval:
10/16/2024 BOD Meeting Minutes
Motion: A motion was made to approve the minutes (Markos). The motion was seconded (Ellie). The motion was approved unanimously.
Old Business:
Finance Committee: Endowment – Michael and Tamara are putting together an announcement that will go into the journal and online to our membership, stating that we now have a way for people to donate to NWSSA as a 501(c)(3). It will include introductory information for those who would like to donate. Sharon Feeney will handle donor information to include the follow-up thank you letters, etc.
Action Item: Design the donation form. Details are needed for setting up acceptance of funds, along with additional information such as which fund the money is designated for etc.
New Business:
Kabota Gardens – Markos posed three questions: 1) Should NWSSA continue to participate in this event? Consensus was YES. 2) Should we participate every other year? (Discuss further). 3) Should the event be 1 or 2 days? (Consensus was 2 days).
This event needs to be coordinated with the City of Seattle’s calendar. NWSSA remains responsible for the $300.00 donation to the city and an approximate $500.00 security fee.
Action Item: Markos will firm up dates with Kabota Gardens for a possible 2-day event in September 2025. Aerin and Markos will coordinate this event together.
WInter Party – A venue for the party was discussed with a possible option of having it at a community center, home of Markos, or other venue. The date for the party will be determined once the venue is established. Michael confirmed funds will be available if needed.
Action Item: Aerin will talk with Pat B. for his input on options for the Winter Party venue.
New Accountant – Michael may have a good candidate for the accountant position. He plans to meet with him within the next few weeks. Michael has also joined a Non-Profit group online that has a website providing information of services available to other non-profits. More info to follow.
.Action Item: Michael will follow-up by the end of November regarding the prospective candidate for the accountant position.
Tabled items for January 8th Meeting:
- Discussion of refund policy and cancellation fee or formula for symposia events with Cyra and Rachell.
- Establish definition for Donation Point Person for Endowment/fund raising.
- Define the role, responsibilities and procedures of website liaison.
- Discuss future Canada Symposium participation.
- Funding sources for NWSSA, the conversation will continue into February.
Next Board Meeting has been rescheduled to January 8, 2024, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
Meeting Adjourned at 1:06 P.M.
Minutes respecfully submitted by Secretary, Karen Roe