Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 10-11-2023

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association

Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 10/11/2023

Time: 6:36 P.M. PST

Location: Virtual via Zoom


Board members: 
Ellie Hochman, Jeremy Kester, Stephen Taplin, Cyra Jane Hobson, Rick Johnson, Tamara Buchanan, Pat Barton, Markos Weiss, Denny Tsang, Julieanne Kohn, Deborah Wilson 

Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All

Absent: None

Quorum: Yes

Staff Present: Renee Roberts



A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 10/11/2023, at 6:36p.m. PST.  Ellie Hochman (President) called the meeting to order.

Approve Consent agenda

Minutes Submitted

9/20/2023 NWWSSA BOD Meeting

A motion was made to approve the consent agenda. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

Tamara’s nomination:
“I move that the BOD award to Redacted the Lifetime…Award for  [Lifetime Achievement] (or?) at the July, 2024 Membership meeting. “REDACTED ” The recipient will receive a certificate and a Lifetime membership in NWSSA.
What do we call it?
-NWSSA Lifetime Achievement Award
-“The Keystone Award” for lifetime achievement in stone sculpture and significant contributions to NWSSA


Treasurer – Cyra Jane Hobson
In the middle of transition to new treasurer Michael Yeaman.

Kubota Garden Show – Markos Weiss

Suttle Lake – Ellie Hochman
Deposit refund set at $2500. Dates are available 8/25/2024 – 9/1/2024

Old Business:

Suttle Lake 
Deposit discussion: DennyTsang  
Denny presented a budget overview for Suttle Lake in 2022. 
Issues identified for resolution:
-Mitsuo’s travel reimbursement
-T-shirt expenses
Consider putting shirts up for sale.
Look into adjusting the SL contract to protect us from smoke cancellation penalty. Go through         Tamara for access to a pro bono attorney.
Denny is BOD liaison for SL crew

Retreat Planning

Arrive any time. Be in touch with Markos.
Dinner @ 6:00
Need budget spreadsheet
Review retreat plan and respond by 10/16/2023 
Need list of events for insurance

NWSSA Members Questions to the board: 5 minutes

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M. PST by Ellie Hochman (President). 


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