Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 1-18-22

Time: 6:30 pm PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Stephen Taplin, Rick Johnson, Ellie Hochman, Julianne Kohn, Denny Tsang, Trever Contreras, Eirene
Blomberg, Tamara Buchanan
Board Members Present: All
Board Members Present via phone/virtual: All view Zoom Absent: None
Staff Present: None Guests: None

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the ORGANIZATION was duly called on 1/18/2022 at 6:30 pm.
Denny T. president called the meeting to order.
-Approval of meeting minutes of previous meeting. Stephen Taplin moved that minutes be approved.
Eirene Blomberg seconded the motion.
Minutes unanimously passed.

-Agenda items:

Follow up from last meeting Committee reports:
Presidents Report – no report given


Trevor Contreras presented financial figures.
Discussion about what is our budget for all expenses and income for the year.
Rick Johnson made the following motion: “The President, Finance Committee chair and Board member
present an annual budget for NWSSA at the next BOD meeting”.

Discussion: Eirene Blomberg, Denny Tsang and Trevor Contreras agreed to this task. Vote taken:
Passed unanimously.

Contract Position Committee update:
Tamara 8. presented committee report (see attached reports).”
Summary: Renee’s job has morphed from its original description as an Executive Secretary. A summary
of the original and new tasks was provided. Most tasks under “membership” and some tasks under
marketing in the “original job description” were asked to be removed f0-f from the ongoing position
of Executive Secretary. It was clarified that Renee’s pay was reduced to $200/month when the
symposium was canceled. It had been $350/month and was not raised again when symposia began again
in 2021.

Motion !_was made by Tamara B:
-Tamara B will write a draft of the job description for Renee. Stephen T. Seconded

The Financial Chair will take on task of posting incoming membership checks. (Informal agreement)

Vote taken:
The suggestion was made that we not pay Renee’ until the budget was completed for 2022. Trevor C
opposed on concern that this position’s compensation be reinstated to the 2019 amount of $350
(which was the rate prior to reducing it to $200 per month due to financial
issues during Covid.)

Motion 2: An additional motion was made by Rick J in response to the stated opposition: “Any pay
increases will bepaid retroactively to 1/1/22.
Stephen T seconded

Discussion ensued:
Importance of continuity for “membership tasks “was discussed.
All board members agreed on the centrality and the importance of this position. Agreed to examine
and define the appropriate level of compensation relative to the NWSSA budget. Question: What is
the level of pay that would be commensurate with the amount of work listed in both job description
and Renee’s list of actual tasks of this position?

Can the organization evaluate and budget for this?
Is Renee willing/able to continue to work on tasks including membership and marketing if her pay is

Tamara agreed to discuss above questions with Renee.

Votes taken on 1st and 2nd motions.
Both passed unanimously: 1} We will write a succinct job description for the Executvie Sec, 2) We
will pay that Exec Sec retroactively to January of 20227

Membership Committee updates:
Reviewed written documents
Discussion about who is responsible to find volunteers for committees. Agreed that board should
actively put a” call out” to membership.
Noted what volunteer positions needed: Webmaster
Graphics designer Social Media
Membership committee members.

Eirene B. will be the contact person for volunteers
Stephen T and Tamara B will write up volunteer descriptions for the above. This will be included in
the next “NWSSA Happenings”

Follow up from last meeting:
Virtual Midwinter Gathering:
Dated and time was noted and evite sent out to membership by Cyra Jane H. Cost: $25 was asked for
to attend.
Flower and Garden show:
Trevor C. will follow up with Ed Salerno re: status.
Is any Board help is needed.

Next meeting is: February 15th @ 6:30 pm Executive session held : no
Meeting Adjourned by President Denny Tsang at 8:05 PM Meeting Minutes recorded by Ellie Hochman


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