Introduction to the Geology of Sculpting Stone Series

Geologist Micheal E. Yeaman presents an introduction to the series he has created regarding the science and geology of stones used in the art of sculpture to the Northwest Stone Sculptors Association.

This series is designed to explore one key aspect of stone sculpture that is unique to the art form, its geology.

Why should you care about the geology of stone?

In a rapidly changing and competitive art world, stone sculpture is one of the few arts that can tie back to the beginning of art and is of a of medium unlike any other.  Knowing more about the geology of the stone will allow stone sculptors to:

  • Select stone that has a compelling history for the sculptor and audience alike
  • Marvel at its various elements of grain, color and texture as it is worked
  • Consider how the chosen artistic form relates to the science of the stone
  • Weave into the final art work story a geologic component that enhances the interest in the work by the potential buyers

Each of the presentations covered a commonly worked stone by NWSSA members and follows a structured outline:

  • The Stone Defined
    • General Description, Physical/Chemical Properties and Historic Use
    • Specimens (macro and thin section)
    • Specific Occurrences
  • Geology
    • Age and Geologic Description
    • Formation Environment and Processes
    • Global Paleogeographic Setting
    • Modern Analogs
  • Select Creations
    • Art
    • Architecture

I hope you enjoy these presentations and please use them to enliven your art.

Michael E. Yeaman


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We need some kind of descriptive text here.