Happy 20th Anniversary Camp Brotherhood Sept/Oct 2007

I know it’s been said before, but Stoners do ROCK! What a great 2007 Symposium. Thank you one and all for making it such a success. One of the many highlights for me was the great turnout of Alumni from past years for our special Lunch on Wednesday. It was good to see so many long missed friends.

I didn’t get to attend all the classes, but managed to catch those by Meredith Earls. Boy, did I learn a lot. And Joanne Duby gave us a wonderful tour of the sculpture walk for a gentle critique of basing. Again I learned. I heard only good comments about all the classes.

The Elderhostel four reported having a wonderful time and enjoying their fantastic teachers: Tamara Buchanan and Tracy Powel.

Of course the 20th anniversary quilt was beautiful. Tamara Buchanan’s husband Doug Benoliel was the successful bidder at $425. That means that Tamara, who put in so much effort into the production of this 20 year celebration quilt, gets to have it in her home for the first year. We all had great fun at the Auction and Tom Francis with his more than enthusiastic crew did us proud, taking in just over $6000.

In spite of the rain we had a very successful Sculpture Walk. Our heartfelt thanks to Leon and to all those who pitched in and helped set it up. I am so proud of being part of NWSSA and what we have accomplished to promote stone art for the past 20 years. Keep up the good work.


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