From the Editors Nov-Dec

It appears that summer has truly packed its bag and gone elsewhere. Gone with it are our symposia and carving events and outdoor shows. 

What to do? Where to get that fix that we get from being amongst like-minded people hurling themselves and their tools at stone? Must we wait til our part of the earth once again faces the sun? No! Take heart fellow carvers. There is a whole host of tutorials and workshops available to you, as close as your key board.

In this issue we have visited two of these presentations courtesy of You Tube. Each video is unique, each inspires. And, each one has links to a seemingly inexhaustible array of styles, stones and approaches.

Our past two “Conversations” [March/April issue, asking the question “Where do you get ideas for your sculpture.” The second was in the July/August issue and asked “When is it your art?”] have not only been fun to put together, but also well-received.

 The Conversation in this issue asks the all-too-broad question “Why do you carve?” Not an easy question to answer at the best of times….but with a deadline looming? Even more so. Five of our fellow carvers have courageously shared some of their deepest feelings regarding the carving process, and we want to personally thank Bill and Doug and Ruth and Vic and Barbara for stepping up.

Our Quick Look is Brian Goldbloom who has been producing stone sculpture for public art and private collections for 30 years. He lives and works in Amboy, Washington.

So sit back and don’t worry about the rain, you can always have a private workshop in the sun from the carvers on You Tube.”

Penelope and Lane

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