From the Editors Jan-Feb 2016

A good winter’s day to all of you, though with so many sunny days it hardly seems like winter. If you can get past working with cold hands, this is carving weather. And we have a lot of carving for you to look at in this issue.

Bob Leverich is in the Artist Spotlight this time, where he shares with us his love of hard rock carving. Bob has a unique approach to sculpture design that often reveals his philosophical beliefs and hopes. As an architect, Bob is also handy with a pencil.

This handiness impressed Bill Weissinger at Camp B back in 2008. The notes Bill took at Bob’s lecture on how to use drawing in our sculpting are brought to life by the keen wit and perceptions of Bill Weissinger.

And there’s more. Leon White took a piece of lime green Brucite and transformed it into a moment in the life of a lizard on a leaf. You’ll see what we mean when you pause for a Quick Look at the sculpture Leon calls “Patience Pays Off.”

And finally, Michael Yeaman, one of our intrepid roving reporters, will tell the rest of us what fun some of us had at the annual NWSSA winter party at the studios of Ken Barnes and Adele Eustis way back in January 10th.

Sit back and enjoy your first issue of Sculpture NorthWest in the fabulous, new year of 2016.

Lane and Penelope


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