From the Editors Jan-Feb 2015

When, occasionally, Spotlight interviews with our members are not available, we like to take a look around the NorthWest sculpture scene to find artists whose work we can feature in Sculpture NorthWest.

In this issue, we include the work of Marie Sivak, a Portland based artist who is a NWSSA member and has been the Lead Faculty of the Sylvania Campus Sculpture program at Portland Community College since 1997.

And technology being what it is, our looking around is not limited by geography, as we cyber-zoom to England to have an up-close look at the delightful animal carvings of Pippa Unwin.

And for the answer to that question that you’ve all been asking: What on earth would Bernini be doing hanging out in tattoo parlors? Check out some astonishing pictures of Bernini’s art, old and new, on page 10.

We are already well into January, but it is never too late for a chorus of Auld Lang Syne and to wish all of you a year filled with creativity and joy.

Happy carving,

Penelope and Lane

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