From the Editors July-August 2018

Letter from the Editors

Larry Lawlor is from North Bend, Washington, a little town squeezed in between Interstate 90 and the base of 4,000 foot Mount Teneriffe. Though we have happily welcomed Larry at both the Oregon and the Washington symposiums, this is his first time to be featured in Sculpture NorthWest. Though relatively new to stone carving, he has, as you will see, been very busy with his hammer and chisel.

Marching into summer, we have presented the centerfold ad for Peninsula’s Camp Pilgrim Firs, and now we have for you the Central Oregon, Suttle Lake centerfold. Isn’t it wonderful to have choices? And, of course, your choice may be to do both.

George Pratt shares with us another one of his elegant little granite carvings. This time it’s banded neck ducks and a quartz crossed egg in a bronze cup.

A popular painter by the name of Bob Ross, the man with big hair and a television show, gives us inspiration we can adapt for our work with stone.

We finish up with the joy of getting together with friends and filling a pickup with lots of newly made wooden pedestals for sculpture display at NWSSA events.  

Penelope2017Lane Tompkins
Penelope and Lane



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