When NWSSA was soliciting topics for workshops, one of the popular suggestions was: “Finding Your Style.”

Two books that are also concerned with finding the artist within you are: I’d Rather Be in the Studio – The Artist No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion by Alyson Stanfield and a slightly older and still very relevant book the Artist’s Way – A Spiritual Path to Creativity by Julia Cameron.

On Amazon:
I’d Rather Be In the Studio https://a.co/d/0xTmRLr
The Artist’s Way https://a.co/d/fAJSMPV

Both books are well organized self-help efforts with exercises and insights, which could help you “Find Your Style” or at least get you moving towards it.

Carl Nelson had dinner one night with Tim Reisenauer, a friend who is a psychologist, and who occasionally teaches workshops around “positive psychology”. Carl asked Tim if he would be willing to do a workshop for stone carvers. He had never worked with a group of artists and thought it might be fun. “Finding Your Style” workshop was born.

“Finding Your Style” Workshop was held March 1st, 2014. Let us know if you think another workshop on this topic would be of interest.

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