Silver Falls Stone Sculptors Symposium
August 25th – 30th, 2012 – Oregon
Register Early & Save! It’s time again for stone carvers to gather in the forest at Silver Falls State Park. This rich community event is for all ages and levels of experience, bringing together the professional and the novice. In an easy-going atmosphere, one may learn, admire and be inspired.
The circle of tents in the meadow buzzes and hums as energetic souls play with soft and hard stones, using hand, electric and air tools. Power sources of water, air and electricity are provided. Vendors are also on site to satisfy your appetite for buying beautiful stones and amazing tools.
Choose between open carving time and intriguing classes. Short, informative sessions cover a multitude of subjects: Design, Technique, Materials, Tools and Safety. Individual mentoring is available in the meadow.
Silver Falls Conference Center provides comfortable lodging in double rooms with shared bathrooms, and three superbly prepared meals a day, special dietary needs accommodated. Our evenings feature artists presenting slideshows and discussions of note, before we head off to the campfire under the sparkling stars.
Sign up early for an unforgettable experience! And remember-if you miss this, your joints and muscles will be one year older next August!
- We are most pleased to welcome Kazutaka Uchida as our guest artist at the 18th Annual Stone Sculpture Symposium at Silver Falls. Uchida-san is an international contemporary Japanese stone sculptor whose art has inspired many.The Uchida Sculpture Exhibit presented at the Museum of Art at the University of Oregon in 1994 made a significant impact on stone sculpture in our region. The workshop he initiated with Prof. Laura Alpert and Prof. Tom Urban was continued at the University of Oregon and other colleges over a couple of decades. The presentations and instruction that Uchida-san has made at symposiums and workshops in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico and Florida has educated, inspired, and even transformed the lives of some.A large number of sculptors refer to Uchida as a major influence on their work. This year we eagerly await Uchida-san’s presentation, instruction and insights. We celebrate his enduring legacy to each of us.
- John Fisher – Guest Artist “Direct Profile Carving” and “Life Drawing” – Internationally recognized for his on-site creation of large-scale public art and for his marble figurative carving, John is a proponent of the direct carving method and of profile carving. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and techniques through his sculpture workshops.
- William Pickerd is a full time, national award winning sculptor from Oregon. He will introduce his technique for turning translucent alabaster vessels on the lathe, with a focus on using the lathe as a sculpting tool. This will be primarily a demonstration of technique, but there will be opportunities to experiment and work on individual pieces.
Evening Presenters & Field Instructors:
Kazutaka Uchida –Cultural Influences on Asian Art Works
Lee C. Imonen -Public Art Works/Field Instructor
Eric Higgs – will present his work and discuss Uchida’s influence
Michael Creger – Field Instructor
Paul Buckner – Field Instructor
Laura Alpert – Field Instructor
Rich Hestekind – Field Instructor
Symposium Tuition:Tuition includes: instruction, workshops, mentoring, meals and accommodations. Upon registration, you will receive a package of information: your confirmation, information on Silver Falls Conference Center, a list of things to bring and more!
Check-in begins on Saturday, August 25, and lunch will be the first meal served (last meal: breakfast on Thursday, August 30th).