Dave Haslett – 1 X 1 X 1 (2020)

Dave Haslett
Haslett Side B

1: How did the idea come to you?
The circle “idea” is happening all around us. Rain drops hit on a pond, giant halos around the sun and the planets orbit in giant circles around our star.

2: Process: Maquette? Drawing? Direct Carve? Other?
Lots of drawings starting with a simple compass circle and then seeing how far I could alter the roundness. The circle is a shape that has no beginning or end and drawings are the easiest way to work out design issues.

3: Hardest part?
Sourcing the basalt and making sure the stone has no hairline cracks. Handling the large stones, staging the stone solid and safely under my core drill. The largest stones I have done so far are 30” and 36” diameter, I have two 48” dia stones on deck.

4: Easiest part?
Dreaming up the design. 

Dave Haslett

5: What did you learn from the making of this piece?
Producing a sculpture during the pandemic put a focus and clarity on the importance of living fully and appreciating everything we have. 

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