Thoughts & Opinions

Members’ Thoughts & Opinions on a wide variety of topics.  Also check out:  Articles on TravelBook Reviews , Presidents Messages, and Letters from the Editors that have been published in NWSSA Sculpture NorthWest.

Neddy At Cornish Award

The Neddy at Cornish offers one of the largest artist awards in the State of Washington, providing two annual gifts

WestSound Home & Garden Magazine

Stone Carvers in Action at Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium See this article  as it appeared in Westsound Home & Garden

Quick Look: Kentaro Kojima

KENTARO KOJIMA SCULPTURE I sometimes find myself being obsessed with a form or a pattern. Whenever this happens, I let

International Women’s Day

March 8th is International Women’s Day. To all the women who help make our community thrive – we celebrate you!

2019 Washington State Symposium

32nd Annual International Stone Carving Symposiumat Camp Pilgrim Firs, Port Orchard, WA July 6th-14th 2019 Guest Artists & Workshops: Large Scale

International Peace Arch Outdoor Sculpture

CALL FOR OUTDOOR SCULPTURE Twenty-second Annual Peace Arch Park International Sculpture Exhibition May 1st – October 1st, 2019  The International Peace Arch Association

Allied Arts Foundation 3D Grants Awards

SUMMARY: Allied Arts Foundation will award three $5,000 grants to emerging and/or early-to-mid-career artists creating 3D/sculptural artworks and residing in

Ways of Knowing

Bob Leverich’s Commission by the Washington State Arts Commission

to create a sculpture on the grounds of Vashon Island High School.
Ravensdale Quarry Boulder SplitVery early on a Saturday back in June, 2017, we loaded my pick-up with a generator and lots of supplies and headed to the Ravensdale gravel quarry to make this successful boulder split.

A Visit To Hank Nelson’s Cloudstone


Hank Nelson, Cloudstone Sculpture ParkGetting Hank Nelson in front of a microphone on December 8th in front of 30-plus NWSSA members and a few Cloudstone Board Members, was the only challenging part of a talk by Hank, and tour by Board members, of Hank’s vast Whidbey Island utopia/dystopia, Cloudstone.

Hank shared some of the depth and breadth of his experience in carving stone: how he learned to carve marble in the afternoons during an early year in Italy while he learned to cast bronze in the mornings; to the “macho side of me” that led Hank to work graceful yet imposing abstractions in Cascade granite; to the “really” macho side that led to his monumental sculptures.

President’s Message Jan-Feb 2019

From the President….  President’s Message Not long ago, Carl was asked what an artist should consider if they wanted to

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Recent News & Updates

2025 Stone Carving Calendar of Events

SAVE THE DATES! SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th – NWSSA HOLIDAY PARTY – 4-8PM Stone Carving Folks, Family and Friends, our winter potluck party will be hosted at a

2024 Oregon State Stone Carving Symposium

August 25th – September 1st, 202429th Annual International Stone Carving Symposium at Camp Suttle Lake near Sisters, Oregon Early Birds! Sign up by July 15th

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