Thoughts & Opinions

Members’ Thoughts & Opinions on a wide variety of topics.  Also check out:  Articles on TravelBook Reviews , Presidents Messages, and Letters from the Editors that have been published in NWSSA Sculpture NorthWest.

Camp B by Tracy Powell

One great party. Camp Brotherhood Symposium 2012 was kicked off by a parade of thunderstormson first Friday that charged the

Trivia Question Sept-Oct 2012

Can you name the standing woman and the sculpture she is working on? Extra credit to anyone who can name the

Camp B by Leon White

By describing our 25th Anniversary at Camp Brotherhood as WONDERFULLY FABULOUS!!! I am hoping that all who attended felt the

Found On Facebook: Frederic Chevarin

FOUND ON FACEBOOK:  Frederic Chevarin Frederic was born in 1971 in France and moved to England in 1998 after graduating from the

Ave Maria Oratory

In the city that a university is building   The city of Ave Maria is just 45 miles southwest of

Camp B 2012, July 13 – 21

Welcome!  CampB11

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines,

Sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.

Explore, Dream. Discover.”

~ Mark Twain

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” ~ Mark Twain

 If you’ve never been to NWSSA’s symposium at the Cascadian Center at Camp Brotherhood, it’s about a transformation of a meadow into a group-wise pursuit of shared experience in one medium – STONE. The days start with a hearty breakfast. At 9am the power is turned on the field and those who wish to get right to carving do, and others attend classes. The choice is yours. At noon we break for a catered lunch in the pavilion on the field for an hour, then back to work. We end the work day with dinner at Warren Hall. After dinner there are various evening events, usually followed by conversations around the fire pits or on the deck of the lodge. Oh Yeah, there is ample opportunity for quiet walks in the many acres of woods at the camp, or early morning treks along the creek to find that special stone. 
To download a PDF of the brochure- click here


Trivia Question Oct-Nov-Dec 2011

Which sculptor wrote the following poem?
Vittoria Colonna

As a trustworthy model for my vocation,
at birth I was given the ideal of beauty,
which is the lamp and mirror of both my arts.
If any think otherwise, that opinion’s wrong:
for this alone can raise the eye to that height
which I am preparing here to paint and sculpt.
Even though rash and foolish minds derive
beauty (which moves every sound mind
and carries it to heaven) from the senses,
unsound eyes can’t move from the mortal to the divine,
and in fact are fixed forever in that place
from which to rise without grace is a vain thought.

2011 Cowachin Symposium

THE CANADIAN SYMPOSIUM ON LAKE COWICHAN…. HAS IT BEEN 17 YEARS?  In 1994, Daniel Cline, Inspired by Camp Brotherhood, Starts a

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