Camp Brotherhood 2006 – Sept/Oct 2006

The second day of Camp Brotherhood, Sunday, coincided with the 40th anniversary of the camp. A special luncheon was being prepared by the camp staff for the patrons of the non-profit foundation. NWSSA, a patron of the Camp for 19 years, was asked to present a sculpture show for the attendees, and we were able to show about 80 pieces around our Art Walk site on the nature-supplied pedestals. The weather was almost too hot for comfort, but a few sculptures were sold.


About a hundred people attended the symposium this year, and it was a big success because of the hard work of June Bloye and her team. About $7000 for the scholarship fund was raised in the auction.


The Saturday Art Walk was a great success.  Over twenty of the approximately150 sculptures sold. Combined sales for the two days were almost $14,000.

One highlight of this year’s camp was the installation of a huge and beautiful stone light sculpture by Paul Lindhart and Russell Erickson of Art City of Ventura, CA. The “light up” was magical and brought back the old feelings of camaraderie. These feelings extended to evenings at the Tiki Lounge, the dance floor, and the drumming circles at the pit.


Next year’s event should be even better. If you haven’t been to any of NWSSA’s symposia, you should think about attending our next event. The Hand Carving Retreat at Pack Forest (May 10 – 13) might be a good place to begin your sculpting career.


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