Camp B 2015, July 11-19

28th Annual International Stone Carving Symposium   


We invite you to join us at the Treacy Levine Center at Camp Brotherhood for up to eight days of playing with stone, communing with nature, and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow stone enthusiasts. Bring yourself, your creative energy, your humor, tools, and a favorite piece of stone. If you don’t have stone or tools, we have an entire tent set up for beginners with tools and instructors. 

The Camp upkeeps lodge rooms and provides three full meals a day for the ultimate freedom to delve into carving and making friends. Tools and stone are also available for sale by our vendors. Sharing information, tips, and inspiration is something we all do. Evenings are filled with slideshows, informational talks, a hoot of a fundraising auction, a music filled final night party, campfires and more. You are also invited to bring a piece for the public sculpture show on the last Saturday.

28th Annual International Stone Carving Symposium   


We invite you to join us at the Treacy Levine Center at Camp Brotherhood for up to eight days of playing with stone, communing with nature, and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow stone enthusiasts. Bring yourself, your creative energy, your humor, tools, and a favorite piece of stone. If you don’t have stone or tools, we have an entire tent set up for beginners with tools and instructors. 

The Camp upkeeps lodge rooms and provides three full meals a day for the ultimate freedom to delve into carving and making friends. Tools and stone are also available for sale by our vendors. Sharing information, tips, and inspiration is something we all do. Evenings are filled with slideshows, informational talks, a hoot of a fundraising auction, a music filled final night party, campfires and more. You are also invited to bring a piece for the public sculpture show on the last Saturday.

Accommodations: The Camp has lodges, which are motel style rooms hosting 2-3 people. Each has a clean bed, nightstands, and a bathroom. For those who like to commune with nature and camp on the field, space is available for tents or campers. 

Sculpture Walk on the Meadow July 18th: On Saturday, we’ll set up an outdoor art gallery for a perfect opportunity to show your work in a supportive and appreciative environment. We encourage everyone to bring a finished piece to display and to invite your friends! Bring pedestals if you have them. NWSSA takes a 25% commission. All sales subject to Washington sales tax.

Registration: Register online below, or mail the form with payment to NWSSA, Attn: Ben Mefford, Symposium Director, PO Box 27364 Seattle, WA  98165 

Scholarship Auction: Thursday evening, July 17th, 2014.  A very, very fun and entertaining event for a very, very good cause. The auction supports our education goals by funding work-study and scholarship positions for new and emerging artists. Bring something to donate, we’ll buy anything and have a great time doing it. 

Field Mentors: Most of our members have years if not decades of experience and have worked with various types of stone. If you desire individual guidance or support, field  mentors will be available. All parties gain from the experience of sharing information.  

Financial Aid: Aid is available for work-study and scholarships. For information contact Ben Mefford, Symposium Director, at 425-943-0215 or

Workshop Suchedule (subject to change)

Workshop Instructor Days Time
Shaping Form and Space Bob Leverich Sun.- Fri.  

Bob works primarily with direct carving methods in granite and will assist those who want to think about and make works that might use a single stone or multiple stones to create a dialogue, between the viewer and stone, the space around them, and perhaps even the larger landscape the work inhabits.  

Finding Your Voice in Marble MJ Anderson Mon-Fri  

MJAndersonCarving stone since 1984, MJ brings sculptures to fruition in both her studios in Carrara, Italy and in Nehalem, a small town on the Oregon coast. She annually selects marble, travertine and onyx from quarries and stone yards of Carrara for her iconic figurative and abstract sculptures. Her workshops will focus on the concepts of figurative carving.

Hand Carving Basalt Knut Hüneke Sat-Sat  
Knut HunekeKnut Hüneke, born 1962 in Darmstadt, Germany,  served his apprenticeship as stonemason and sculptor in Freiburg.  His work has been in various national and international projects and exhibitions, with a particular focus on volcanic rock. “To me, the synthesis of material and idea requires that you only take away as much as necessary to let the figure emerge. Leave as much as possible to the stone.” 

Elegance in Jade Deborah Wilson Sat-Wed  
BirdWoman by Deborah WilsonAcclaimed contemporary jade and granite sculptor will be offering a workshop in jade. Her work reflects her love for organic forms and her ongoing interest in utilizing the characteristics that define this “stone of heaven.” A good selection of precut Canadian and US jades will be for sale to create small scale sculpture and pendants.  Class limit is 10 people, so register early and watch your registration confirmation for details. 
Beginning Carving Tamara Buchanan Sat-Sat  
Tamara BuchananTamara has been sculpting stone for over 25 years. Featured in many shows throughout the West, her work has won several awards. She loves sharing the process of carving stone and has been teaching at her studio on Lopez Island for 10 years.
Beginning Carving  Ruth Mueseler Sat-Sat  
Ruth MueselerRuth is a conglomerate of art education teacher, silversmith, art foundry worker and 23 years as stone sculptor. Her heartfelt work ranges from miniature to monumental.  As an instructor Ruth is thoughtful in manner, and will engage you with humor and respect.  Her approach is one of intuitive curiosity and interpreting the voice of stone.

Evening Schedule
Saturday (11th) 7 pm         Deborah Wilson Slide Presentation
Sunday (12th) 7pm   Knut Hüneke Slide Presentations
Monday (13th) 7pm   MJ Anderson Slide Presentation
Tuesday (14th) 7pm   Bob Leverich Slide Presentation
Wednesday (15th) 7pm   General Meeting, Election, BOD meeting to follow
Thursday (16th) 7pm   Scholarship Auction. FUN for a CAUSE! Bring anything that might sell – Anything!
Friday (17th) 7pm   DANCE PARTY!!!

Our Vendors:

Stone & Tools

  • Neolithic Stone:carries a wide range of sculptural quality stones and tools from around the world.  If you desire a particular type of stone, or 604-736-5201 in advance.
  • Marenakos:  For your granite, basalt, sandstone, and limestone needs. Also supplying Trow & Holden stone cutting tools. or 425-392-3313
  • Arliss Newcomb: Pins, Sleeves & StarBond Glue  360-301-1085

Massage Therapy 

  • Carolyn Anderson’s “Magic Fingers” restore alignment and health to those stressed muscles. Phone 360-698-2198



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