Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 1-9-2016

Minutes of NWSSA Board meeting on January 9th, 2016at Ken Barnes home, Seattle, WAPresent were:Carl Nelson – PresidentMichael Yeaman – TreasurerVerena Schwippert – SecretaryKen BarnesBen Mefford Pat BartonRick Johnson Also in attendance:Renee Roberts – taking minutes The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm. Previous BoD meeting minutes available on NWSSA website were approved by all. Agenda:Camp B […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 6-20-2015

Minutes of NWSSA Board of Directors meeting Saturday, June 20th, 2015 at Volunteer Park in Seattle, WA. Present were:Carl Nelson, President;Rick Johnson, Pat Barton, Steve Sandry and Verena Schwippert, secretary.Absent were: Ken Barnes, Ben Mefford; Michael Yeaman. The meeting opened at 9am. 1 Changing the By-laws: Change of the by-laws from three two year terms to four […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-16-2014

Minutes NWSSA of July 16th, 2014 Board of Directors meeting at Camp Brotherhood Symposium BoD meeting began at 8:30 pm present: absent: Board Officers Elections The 4 officers of the board resigned and were newly elected at this meeting. Namely: Carl Nelson, president; Michael Yeaman, vice president; Ken Barnes, treasurer; Verena Schwippert, secretary. Minutes from […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 3-22-2014

NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 3–22–2014 at Seattle Design Center Present were:Carl Nelson, President;Michael Yeaman, Vice President;Pat Barton, Symposium Field Director;Ken Barnes,Treasurer;Ben Mefford, Director of Symposium;Verena Schwippert, Secretary. The meeting was called to order at 2:12 pm.Minutes from last meeting were approved by all. All minutes have been, and will be, posted on the NWSSA […]

Mussel Beach Ribbon Cutting 2014

You are invited to celebrate Gig Harbor’s Eddon Boat Park with ‘Mussel Beach’ sculpture on Friday the 28th of February, 2014, at 3pm. There will be a ribbon cutting for the entire park, which is a Washington State Historic Heritage site and an extensive environmental clean-up and restoration project with help the Department of Ecology. The entire […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 9-27-2013

Minutes of NWSSA Board meeting on September 27th , 2013 at Carl Nelson’s home in Lake Stevens , WA Present were:Carl Nelson – PresidentJon SchmidtKen Barnes – TreasurerVerena Schwippert – SecretaryBen Mefford  – Camp B 2014 DirectorPat BartonMichael Yeaman – Vice President  – per SkypeGerda Lattey – joined per Skype at 10:30am The meeting was called to order at […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 5-4-2013

NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, May 4th, 2013 [held at Carl Nelson’s home in Lake Stevens] The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pmPresent in person:Carl Nelson, Vice PresidentVerena Schwippert, SecretaryPat BartonJon SchmidtMichael Yeaman via Skype or telephone:Gerda Lattey, PresidentKen Barnes, Treasurer 1) Camp Brotherhood Symposium Budget:Ken Barnes sent a CB 13 budget via internet.[…if anyone has this […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-18-2012

NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 18, 2012held at 25th Stone Sculpting Symposium at Camp Brotherhood. Meeting was called to order at 8:40 pm. Members of the Board present: Gerda Lattey, President; Carl Nelson, Vice President; Pat Barton; Ken Barnes, Treasurer; Verena Schwippert, Secretary; Newly elected Board members: Michael Yeaman and Jon Schmidt. Guests: Vic Picou, Barbara Davidson […]

Ben Siebenrock – German Sculptor

By Verena Schwippert Northern Europe has many large erratic granite boulders that have traveled south from the Scandinavian mountains during one of the ice ages eons ago. In Germany they are called Findlinge which literally translated means foundlings. A good number of these old well-traveled boulders have been venerated by people from time immemorial. These […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 2-1-2009

Board of Directors meeting, minutes – February 1, 2009 The meeting was held at Tom Francis’ home in Seattle. Attending: Rich Andler (Treasurer), Petra Brambrink, Tom Francis (President) and Verena Schwippert (Secretary). With 4 people attending there was no quorum for voting. Bylaws. Question arose if the Bylaws should be discussed and finalized in an […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 8-26-2008

Board of Directors meeting, minutes – August 26, 2008 The meeting was held at Silver Falls, OR, Sculptor’s retreat. Attending: Tom Francis, Pres., Karl Hufbauer, Leon White, Lane Tompkins, Petra Brambrink, Bill Brayman, Rich Andler, Verena Schwippert. Absent Board member: Constance Jones, Guests: Alex Morosco, Tom Urban. The meeting began at 2 pm. Minutes of previous BoD meeting: […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-17-2008

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – July 17th, 2008 The meeting was held at Camp Brotherhood Symposium. It was called to order at 7:36 pm. Attending: Rich Andler, Bill Brayman, Tom Francis, Karl Hufbauer, Leon White, Lane Tompkins, Verena Schwippert and one guest: Ken Barnes Absent: Constance Jones, Petra Brambrink Bill Brayman and Petra Brambrink […]

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