Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 2-18-2018

eMail Discussions and Vote for Treasurer Transition as per previous discussions  Adopted via email motion, discussion, and vote to have Ben Mefford take over for Michael Yeaman Ken Barnes Proposed motion to accept Michael Yeaman’s resignation and appoint Ben Mefford treasurer, Michael Yeaman Seconded, Ben Mefford affirmed he would serve.Voting YEA:  Pat Barton, Patty McPhee, Ken […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-12-2017

BOD meeting 7-12-17   BOD Members Present:Carl NelsonSteve SandryMichael YeamanPatty McPhee – New memberKen BarnesBen MeffordPat BartonRick JohnsonSteve Galea – New member General members present:Renee RobertsCyra Jane HobsonMikky BarnettVic Picou Non-member present:Ed Brooks (President, California Sculptors Association)  Vacated the positions on the board.Carl Nelson elected PresidentKen Barnes elected Vice PresidentSteve Galea elected SecretaryMichael Yeaman elected Treasurer […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 6-3-2017

6/3/17 Board of Directors meeting, Rick Johnson’s housePresent: Carl Nelson, Pat Barton, Ken Barnes, Steve Sandry, Michael Yeaman, Cyra Rick JohnsonOn phone/Skype: Ben Mefford, Doug Wiltshire Non-BOD Kirsten Rayhawk,Non-BOD members present: Arliss Newcomb, Jane Hobson, Renee Roberts, Action:  Approved minutes of previous meetings. Ben King County parks sculpture display discussion.  There may be an opportunity to create a permanent […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 8-26–2015

Minutes of Board Meeting from 8-26–2015 held at Stone Sculpting Symposium at Suttle Lake.Meeting was called to order at 4:08 pm. Members of the Board present:Carl Nelson, President; Ken Barnes, Vice President;Pat Barton; Steve Sandry, Rick JohnsonGuest: Doug Wiltshire, became a board member Board Matters:Rick Johnson moves that we expand the board by one person to gain […]

Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 7-15-2015

Board of Directors Meeting, July 15, 2015  Camp Brotherhood, Mount Vernon Present were Carl Nelson, Ken Barnes, Steve Sandry, Ben Mefford, Michael Yeaman, guests: Rich Hestekind and CyraJane HobsonAbsent were Verena Schwippert 1. Election of OfficersPresident: Carl NelsonVice President: Ken BarnesTreasurer: Michael YeamanSecretary: Verena Schwippert 2. Change of ByLawsRenee Roberts will confirm the number of […]

Steve Sandry – Artist Spotlight (2000)

Steve has been a NWSSA member and avid symposium attendee since ‘93. He has been the Newsletter interviewer for five years. He works as a residential remodeling contractor and lives in Fall City, WA, with his wife Jennifer Sumner. There he works in a 22’x28’ stone-sculpting studio he built himself that includes 14’ high vaulted ceilings, large skylights, indoor and […]

Sabah Al-Dhaher – Artist Spotlight (2000)

Who are you? I grew up in Nasria, Iraq, the third in a family of 11 children. I had an uncle who used to do small drawings and oil paintings. When I was three or four I was fascinated. In school I drew a lot and had a grade school teacher who exposed us to fine art. A friend […]

Stuart Jacobson – Artist Spotlight (2000)

The following is an interview with sculptor Stuart Jacobson of McMinnville, Oregon. Here, he responds to a questionnaire regarding his experience as a stone sculptor. I’ve spent most of my adult life searching for who I am. I tried to mold myself into what appeared to be a “normal” logical, left brain thinking person. Of course it didn’t work […]

Kirk McLean – Artist Spotlight (2000)

Kirk lives on 10 wooded acres in the Arlington, WA, area with wife, Judy Burnett, and two joyous golden retrievers who made sure I noticed them. They built the super insulated, energy efficient solar house and studio, so Kirk was able to design to his needs. He says, “Since we moved to the property, my day job has been taking care […]

Simone Weber-Luckham – Artist Spotlight

About myself: I was born and raised in Solothurn Switzerland. I always liked making things; my mother was very creative and our family traveled throughout Europe. My creativity was encouraged and developed further through my later school years at a Waldorf School, where I graduated. That’s where I got hooked on stone. I needed to […]

Vic Picou – Artist Spotlight (1999)

The following is both an interview with Vic Picou and a call for a new “Director of Symposia”. Over the years since the group’s first “gathering” in 1987, Vic has emerged as an invaluable contributor to the growth, development and maintenance of NWSSA and its four yearly symposia. He has been at the literal center […]

Michael Binkley – Artist Spotlight (1999)

The following is an interview with Canadian sculptor Michael Binkley of Vancouver, British Columbia. Here he responds to an interview questionnaire. Tell us about your life history related to being an artist. Why did you become an artist? I was born in Toronto, Ontario in 1960, and my father’s company moved us to Vancouver, BC […]

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