President’s Message – Nov/Dec 1997

Greetings!   I hope each of you is experiencing an abundance of creative productivity with your sculpting.   This past symposia period is a time of reflection on the many events of the year. Certainly we, as an association, have much to be proud of in our accomplishments. I wish to thank each of you […]

President’s Message – July/Aug 1997

It’s Tuesday, the 22nd of July, and I’m sitting in the tree-surrounded amphitheater at Camp Brotherhood listening to the sounds of our Tenth Annual Symposium. The purposeful whir and scream of grinders and saws blend with the rhythmical cadence of hammer and chisel at this distance from the work field. The auditory composition is complex, […]

President’s Message – May 1997

Greetings! Our spring season has begun with the wonderful success of the Workshop Retreat at Whidbey Island. A special thanks to Lloyd Whannell, Pam Winstanley, and Vic Picou for their planning and leadership. Nicky Oberholtzer and Simone Weber-Luckham were excellent instructors. We must especially thank Bernie Camlin for his good effort and the Island Arts […]

President’s Message – Jan/Feb 1997

Happy New Year! I wish for each of you prosperity in all your efforts. Our year looks especially abundant with symposia, workshops, and meetings rich in content and shared opportunity. I would encourage you to attend and experience the benefits. To those of you in our various committees, I would like to thank you for […]

President’s Message – July/Aug 1996

I’m still trying to adjust to the demands of the “real” world after two weeks at the Symposium at Camp Brotherhood. Amid the frenetic demands of the marketplace, my mind wanders nostalgically to the warm interaction between new and old friends and the creative momentum we shared. I’m still digesting all the stimulation of new […]

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