Member Viewpoint: Art & Politics – March/Apr 1999

The recent Governor’s Blue Ribbon Arts Task Force determined that ” … Washington’s state funding is at the bottom in comparison to other states “.1 The Seattle PI. confirmed that, “Despite its big artist population, Washington ranks 48th out of 50 states in per capita spending on the arts “.2 With such an embarrassing statistic, […]

Of Stone and Cyber-Sculpture – May/June 1998

From May 20-23, over 2,000 people from around the world attended “Sculpture 17: The 17th International Sculpture Conference, Chicago 98.” The event was put on by the International Sculpture Center (I.S.C.) which has over 10,000 members worldwide and pub­lishes Sculpture magazine. Several other NWSSA members and I were lucky enough to be in attendance. Our […]

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