Adventures in Stone: Stone Art at the 2000 Tucson Gem & Mineral Show – May/June 2000

Nothing compares to the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. It is the largest show of its kind in the world. The variety and sheer volume of minerals shown is astonishing. Vendors and buyers fill the city’s coliseum and every motel in town. From the beginning, its primary emphasis has been crystallized mineral specimens. The Smithsonian, the Sorbonne, and other great museums exhibit their mineral treasures there. Fossils […]
Grin and Barite – Nov/Dec 1999

Barite is a horrible name for selling stone. It has no cachet whatever. If anything, the name has the ring of something you don’t want even close. It sounds radioactive. Before now, no one has even suggested using barite as a carving stone. Here is some information on a new stone for the sculptor. […]
Marble on the Edge – Nov/Dec 1998

NWSSA member and stone sculptor, Gary McWilliams, was a modern day explorer of new and unusual sculpting stone. He had used his charter boat, the M/V Hyak, for several years in southeast Alaska. Michael Jacobsen’s sculpture, “Aphrodite Rising,” shown on the cover was sculpted from another Alaskan marble quarried and collected by Gary McWilliams. Not […]