By Gathering, We better ourselves and Our Art – March/Apr 2009

Pick up a newspaper; listen to the news whether on radio or TV. Another year has passed, and OH! What a year for our country. Words describing the economy seem to only start with letters at the front of the alphabet, words like abyss, bankruptcy and corruption. Well, I won’t go on, it all seems […]
President’s Message – July/Aug 2008

As I write this, Camp B is but a few days away. Oh, what stones to take, should I work on this or that, have I forgotten anything? You know, the usual palpations of going to Camp. I just know kids don’t have as much fun at camp as we do, being older we can appreciate […]
President’s Message – May/June 2008

Symposia season is upon us. To go or not? Given the clouding of the economic picture where to go for a clear one? Well, I always read my horoscope, just covering all my bets. My recent prognosticator read “life is like art and often requires collaboration.” And I knew immediately what I wanted to convey […]
President’s Message – March/Apr 2008

Harbingers of opportunity to gather with your mates in the fields of Dreams have arrived. Robins and meadow larks singing, seed catalogs in the mail, potting soil in the stores and daylight savings time all portend our first symposium, the Hand Carving Retreat at the Pack Forest Conference Center near Eatonville, WA. The subtle […]
President’s Message – Jan/Feb 2008

I’d like to talk about a new mission statement. As an organization matures it becomes necessary to evaluate the core of its mission. Who we are, what we do, why we do it. I asked members of the board to work on a mission statement that answered these questions in a short, sharply focused statement. Karl […]
President’s Message – Nov/Dec 2007

Late fall, early winter, the time of feasting is upon us from Halloween to New Years Day. With a bit of trepidation, I donned costume paraphernalia and attended NWSSA’s Fall Fest at the symposium. I needn’t have worried. We had a DeWalt angle grinder, a nymph in white, a core drill (big one), and 2 Chinese […]
President’s Message – Sept/Oct 2007

We are going to have a get together earlier rather than during the Christmas season. No freezing weather, a wee warmer and a great place to gather amidst the great stones of the Stonearium with your fellow stoners. Put it on your calendar. As I write to you at this time of year, our symposiums […]
President’s Message – July/Aug 2007

As we end our fiscal year, I would like to share with you some of the things your Board of Directors has pursued this past year. We passed a resolution that ends any discount in symposium fees for board members based on attendance only. We initiated an outreach program with the South Seattle Residential Training […]
President’s Message – May/June 2007

The year end financials for NWSSA are complete. If any of you would like a copy of our Profit and Loss statement, contact me at: or 541-298-1012. In April, your Board of Directors held a working retreat to discuss the goals of our organization and our roles as a working board. This is somewhat […]
President’s Message – Mar/Apr 2007

I recently came across an article that I wish to share with you. It is about a Navy pilot who was shot down over Vietnam. As his plane went down in flames, he managed to bail out and float safely to earth. One day, years later, the pilot was in a restaurant, when a stranger came […]
President’s Message – Nov/Dec 2006

Hello All, tis that time of year again. Our Christmas/Holiday Party is 9 December at Shoreline Community Center, at 185th and First St. in N.E. Seattle. Happy hour starts at 6pm. What to bring: A-G- desserts, H-M-appetizers, N-Z- main dish sufficient for 8 stoner appetites. Rich Andler has been volunteered to be in charge. Bring […]
President’s Message – Sept/Oct 2006

News, you have a new board of directors who are listed on the page opposite this one. And all previous officers were reinstated, including me as the pres. During the general meeting at Camp B, and while I had a captive audience, I took advantage of the opportunity to check the pulse of the association. […]