Finding Stones for Sculpture and What’s Within

Every spring the melting snows off the Cascades bring down a delightful assortment of rounded and fractured stones and cobbles that only nature can prepare for the coming months of the rivers’ ongoing garage sale. As the waters recede and expose the year’s offerings, my fellow stone carvers and I trek to our favorite rivers […]
CNC – 2017
In my first year of architectural school, I had the chance to take 2 semesters of sculpture before the architectural curriculum consumed me. That was where I was introduced to Ben Goo, with his abstract marble work, and a bunch of young, talented, and aspiring sculptors whose names I do not remember. What I do […]
Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 11-6-2010
Minutes of Meeting (and follow-up) Location: Evergreen State College Date: Nov 6th 2010 1:15pm Purpose: Scheduled NWSSA Board of Directors Meeting Attendees: Gerda Lattey, Petra Brambrink, Al Mangold, Carl Nelson, Carol Turner Absent: Seth Friedman Minutes: August 28th Minutes from Silver Falls 1. Minutes Discussion: – intent, clarity, and completeness of item seven on the minutes (See Exhibit A below). Gerda asked they be […]
Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 8-28-2010
Minutes of MeetingLocation: Silver Firs State Park, OR, Date: Aug 28th 2010, 2:05pmPurpose: Scheduled NWSSA Board of Directors MeetingAttendees: Gerda Lattey, Petra Brambrink, Al Mangold, Carl Nelson, Set FriedmanAbsent: Carol Turner (in Russia carving) Minutes: July Camp B minutes from Lane – Petra moved minutes to be accepted as presented – Petra moved minutes to be accepted as presented by Lane. Second […]
Compressors – for your air tools

This post is a plug to give Jeff Powell’s Air Compressors for Carving Stone a read. Its a useful overview and has enough terminology, detail, and advice to get you started and help make some choices in getting going. Compressor Question: What size compressor will I need? Answer: The tool with the highest air consumption […]