Sculptural Portrait

During the last five years, I have been creating my favorite type of sculpture–round and relief sculptural portraits. There were portraits of living people (Dr. Denton Rossell, Dr. Eugene Natkin, Cindy Growford, Elaina Mason) and people who lived in the past (attorney George Powell, Abraham J. Heschel, Sig­mund Freud, Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Princess Diana), and […]

Sculpture as an Art – July/Aug 1997

During my affiliation with Northwest Stone Sculptors Association, I have been asked various questions by several memhers about the concept of sculpture and the sculPting process. I decided to answer some of these questions to the best of my knowledge in our newsletter. First let’s identify the meaning of sculpture itself. The word “sculpture” comes […]

The Ideal Sculpture Studio – Jan/Feb 1997

by Boris Spivak Every artist dreams of a fine studio where the working process will be effective and pleasant. The studio is the sculptor’s work place and, as any contemporary work setting, it should be designed especially for sculpting. Its atmosphere should help to generate creativity, a sense of optimism and enthusiasm. If I were […]

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