a poem for you….. Originally published in our newsletter, January 1994

These cold, long nights of a distant moon !

The short rainy days of a low sun !

This harsh time of year offers

Reflection and inner growth.

           The buds on the trees have formed

            The unborn leaves wait.

On every acre, and in every town.

New growth watches for their signal,

             To burst

              Into life ……………a new form,

              Another awakening.

From within your stone,

And your dreams,

          From within hearts and hands,

          New forms will appear.

Brighter days will come,

As the crocus blooms in the falling snow,

           The chisel strikes the point

            The point enters the stone.

Warmer nights will come,

As the cedars grow on the mountain,

              The stone is polished

               And art is born.

Vic Picou
Former NWSSA President
January 1994


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