Art City Suffers Two Fires – Jan/Feb 1999

Art City experienced two fires in twelve days. On December 16, 1998, the stone yard on Dubbers Street, Ventura, CA, had a fire that destroyed the kitchen & bath building, and a number of studios, finishing room, and many pieces of artwork in bronze and stone. The fire, with its extreme temperatures, when hosed down by the firemen, caused many sculptures to explode into pieces. The stone yard dog, Luna, was killed in the fire. The cause of the fire is unknown.

On December 28, another fire broke out which destroyed 3/4 of the remaining structures on the property. This fire was caused by some young boys, aged 12-14, playing with matches. They were caught by the police. The damage from the second fire was extensive and resulted in the loss of years of artwork, sketch books, photo and video documentation of artwork and art shows.

The spirit of Art City is strong and rebuilding will take place as funds become available. Contributions for rebuilding can be sent to Art City Rebuilding Fund, 197 Dubbers Street, Ventura, CA 93001.

As NWSSA member, Brian Berman, was walking through the rubble on January 1, the day he arrived, a personal sight touched his heart. A woman came to pick up a memorial sculpture she had commissioned for the loss of her mother. The sculpture had been finished and waiting for nearly a year after she had been notified it was complete. The sculpture, nearly ten feet in height, was reduced to many pieces in the fire. She arrived to see the devastation. After praying, she loaded the pieces into her truck. Brian offered her his sympathies and she said that she would make these broken pieces into her mother’s memorial.

Art City and artist/instructor/vendor JoAnne Duby are both NWSSA members. Needless to say, JoAnne’s February class has been cancelled.

Editor’s Note: I know that many NWSSA members share with me in expressing sympathy to Art City and JoAnne Duby for their loss in the fire.


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