Allied Arts Foundation 3D Grants Awards


Allied Arts Foundation will award three $5,000 grants to emerging and/or early-to-mid-career artists creating 3D/sculptural artworks and residing in Washington State.  


This year’s award will focus on 3D Visual Arts – this includes but is not limited to: sculpture, assemblages, constructions, installations, and artworks that are generally stand-alone or require a pedestal or wall/ceiling mounting.

Artists and sculptors working in stone, ceramic, glass, metal, wood, fiber, plastic, paper, mixed media, and/or other materials are encouraged to apply. Conceptual, installation, and environmental art incorporating music, video and/or film is eligible.

Please fill out the application form and submit the following:

  • A resume
  • An artist statement
  • 10 images of artwork made in the last two years (dated 2017-2019)
  • An image description sheet
  • A non-refundable $20 entry fee

CONTACT: If you have questions, contact: Jeff Rinedahl, Operations Manager:

The Allied Arts Foundation 2019 Artist Grant Awards are sponsored in major part by Piroshky Piroshky, proud supporters of local artists. We thank them for their incredible funding of these awards!

Application deadline: 5:00 PM Monday, March 4, 2019.

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