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Adrian Hoye

"Mother and Bunny", pyrophyllite by Adrian Hoye
“Mother and Bunny”


Sculpture Northwest cover art "Penguin Out of Water", soapstone by Adrian Hoye

Adrian has always been a person who likes to take things apart and find what lies hidden inside. Maybe that is what draws him to carve stone: the idea that there is something within waiting to be released. Adrian has been hesitant to call himself a sculptor. Sculptors are those other people. He does this as a hobby, but by creating sculptures he has slowly been able to accept the idea that “Yes, I am a sculptor”.

Adrian Hoye is featured as one of three NWSSA members from Montana in our March/April 2020 issue of Sculpture NorthWest.

Read More: Artist Spotlight – Adrian Hoye

Limestone Floral Relief, "Flowers for Nancy" by Adrian Hoye


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