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President’s Message – Nov/Dec 1999

After the November business meeting, current and prospective Directors held an afternoon discussion to set priorities for the coming year. Both our Board and our general membership have no problem coming up with creative ideas of things we could be doing. The challenge is choosing the ones that serve our mission best. We generally agree on the overall values of the group, but there is a range of ideas about what our critical activities should be. We did agree on both an immediate and longterm focus.
The immediate focus is to improve cohesiveness of the organization. We want members to feel ownership of the NWSSA and involvement in its activities.
We also want to raise awareness among non-members attending our events of the value of joining the organization. A strongly expressed focus for the future is the need for an advisory committee of individuals involved in the regional arts world. We also want more outreach to other arts organizations and the community.
The Board has spent a considerable amount of time the past two years on revising our bylaws and establishing written policies, so that we’ll look like a respectable 501(c)3 and not just a gaggle of dust-covered fanatics.
This effort has been in addition to the month-to-month management of our activities. I’d like to thank the Board members who will be leaving at the end of this year for their hard work. Meredith Earls, Michael Jacobsen and (our early departee) Patty McPhee have all contributed considerable thought to our discussions. I would especially like to thank Rich Hestekind who is leaving after eight years of service, including having been our vice president and president.

After the November business meeting, current and prospective Directors held an afternoon discussion to set priorities for the coming year. Both our Board and our general membership have no problem coming up with creative ideas of things we could be doing. The challenge is choosing the ones that serve our mission best. We generally agree on the overall values of the group, but there is a range of ideas about what our critical activities should be. We did agree on both an immediate and longterm focus. 

The immediate focus is to improve cohesiveness of the organization. We want members to feel ownership of the NWSSA and involvement in its activities. 

We also want to raise awareness among non-members attending our events of the value of joining the organization. A strongly expressed focus for the future is the need for an advisory committee of individuals involved in the regional arts world. We also want more outreach to other arts organizations and the community. 

The Board has spent a considerable amount of time the past two years on revising our bylaws and establishing written policies, so that we’ll look like a respectable 501(c)3 and not just a gaggle of dust-covered fanatics. 

This effort has been in addition to the month-to-month management of our activities. I’d like to thank the Board members who will be leaving at the end of this year for their hard work. Meredith Earls, Michael Jacobsen and (our early departee) Patty McPhee have all contributed considerable thought to our discussions. I would especially like to thank Rich Hestekind who is leaving after eight years of service, including having been our vice president and president.


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