NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 02/05/2025
Time: 6:30 P.M. PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Board Members: Tamara Buchanan, Markos Weiss, Karen Roe, Michael Yeaman, Ellie Hochman, Oliver Harwood, Aerin Sizelove
Board Members Present: All
Quorum: Yes
Staff Present: Renee Roberts
Guests: Rachell Jarvis, Carmen Chacon
A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called to order on 2/05/2025 at 6:31 P.M. PST. Tamara Buchanan (President) called the meeting to order.
Approve Consent agenda
Minutes Approval
1/08/2025 BOD meeting minutes and consent agenda were approved unanimously.
Best of the Northwest – Aerin/Renee will follow up on Artists Call info. Aerin and Ed S. will be teaching small animal carving. Other info on hold until Marissa returns from vacation. Volunteers are needed.
Pilgrim Firs – Work Study – On hold. Co-coordinators Cyra and Ben will discuss at a later date.
Suttle Lake – Work Study – Rachell has had discussions with Cyra and both suggest a retitle from Work Study to Work Trade. They will be working together to define roles and determine how to handle different ability levels, including how each can be supported. Budgets and levels of financial need will be discussed. They will be meeting again in mid-March to discuss further.
Women’s Retreat / Insurance – Ellie is going forward with obtaining Pilgrim Firs contract information for the 2026 retreat. A $250.00 deposit is required. Discussion followed regarding possible reimbursement of the Fort Worden deposit that was lost due to a contract breach. Oliver will look into NWSSA’s insurance policies. Tamara mentioned we will need to find a new Insurance Liaison, as Denny is no longer able to fill that role. This is a role for someone who understands insurance language and can review our insurance contracts. This position needs to be filled prior to July 2025. Oliver will follow up. Ellie and Amy (contract attorney) will assist.
Winter Party – Markos reported the Winter Party was a great success. The location was a good choice, the food was plentiful and all had a very good time.
Old Business:
Website Report – Aerin has been communicating with Zoey regarding problems with membership data on the website. Ellie noted there is no ‘help’ button and there is a problem with login. Registration issues were discussed. Renee continues to work on an SOP manual. It was suggested we start a new list of issues to give to Zoey to work on. Her job description/expectations and overall website progress needs to be reviewed. It was suggested that a meeting with Carl, Aerin, Renee, Zoey and other interested parties be scheduled within the next month to discuss these issues.
Additional Zettle – Michael will organize the purchase. Renee has a simple instruction training form and will review with each event coordinator. Markos will also assist with training. Ellie suggested the use of Zelle as a payment method. This will be discussed more in depth in the future.
New Business:
Journal/Arliss – Arliss will be needing assistance with the Journal as she is on medical leave. Bruce R., Nanette and Tamara will assist with the upcoming Journal.
Protocol and Procedure Documentation for Events – This is important in case someone needs to step in to cover in various situations and/or cancellations. It was suggested that all of the NWSSA major events have a two person structure; a lead and a back-up to support the lead, along with a written protocol for these events.
Succession Planning – This involves the planning and mentoring for upcoming executive board member positions, also for events and for event planners. Renee has sent out a volunteer questionnaire, response has been slow.
Work Group for Bylaws Revision – The last revision was in 2009. BOD members are asked to review the current bylaws and be prepared to join the work group to discuss any needed revisions. The goal is to begin this project in the fall of 2025.
4 Culture Grants – All grant money received must be spent in King County. We need a Grant Manager to oversee the grant process and the spending of current and future grant dollars. Cyra has the knowledge and would be available to be hired to help with this. Ideas for use of grant monies include: Carving booth at events, signage, professional banners, Sculpture Northwest Journal, administrative assistant wages, instructor fees, graphic designer fees (new logo), site fees for teaching, etc.
Tabled Items: to be revisited in the future:
Procedure and Protocol Documentation and Backup Persons
Women’s Retreat expense and Income
Progress on finding Auditor
Endowment Funds Received
Insurance Liaison Position
Grant Manager Position
Knowledge Manager for Website
Assistant for Renee, Renee’s contract
Google Drive Organization
Website Organization
Next Board Meeting has been scheduled for March 12, 2025, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
Minutes respecfully submitted by Secretary Karen Roe