Minutes of NWSSA BOD Meeting 01-08-2025

NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association
Established 05/27/1988
Board Meeting Minutes


Date: 01/08/2025
Time: 6:30 P.M. PST
Location: Virtual via Zoom


Board Members: Tamara Buchanan, Marcos Weiss, Karen Roe, Michael Yeaman, Ellie Hochman, Oliver Harwood, Aerin Sizelove 
Board Members Present: All
Quorum: Yes
Staff Present: Renee Roberts
Guests: Cyra Hobson, Rachell Jarvis


A meeting of the Board of Directors of NWSSA was duly called to order on 1/08/2025 at 6:31 P.M. PST. Tamara Buchanan (President) called the meeting to order.

Approve Consent agenda
Minutes Approva

11/03/2024 BOD meeting minutes and consent  agenda were approved unanimously.


Vancouver Symposium – Aerin reported that the symposium was educational and enjoyable. She suggested the organizers would benefit from attending one of the NWSSA’s symposiums, giving them ideas that would help with their symposium’s organization, auction and volunteer participation issues.

Sales at Events – Renee reported the Zettle device works well and suggested it would be beneficial to have two devices. One in the office and one in the field at symposiums and at events such as the Arboretum. Renee will work with Michael to order an additional Zettle.

Kubota Gardens – Markos will contact the new director and report back at the March meeting.

Best of the NorthWest – An email was sent to Pat B. from the Best of the West event director who had questions regarding NWSSA insurance information, sculpture installation at the event, as well as questions pertaining to the educational classes offered. Aerin will discuss with Pat and Renee and respond back to her. 

Old Business:

New Accountant – Michael reports the new accounting firm is Island Tax. He will meet with that group in the near future to discuss NWSSA’s tax requirements. 

Nominations Committee/Charitable Donation Manager – It was clarified the nominations committee is responsible solely for nominations for the Board of Directors. A discussion as to how we are choosing a candidate for the Charitable Donation Manager position was raised. Markos will follow up with possible candidates after receiving the job description from Michael. Renee will work on putting together forms for potential volunteers and volunteer job positions.

New Business: 

Revised Work Study Program: 
It was recognized that Work Study candidates are essential for running the camps.
Pilgrim Firs and Suttle Lake are both experiencing low participation and fewer applicants. Ideas offered to help improve the program: 
1) Offer a financial incentive; 
2) Offer education/mentoring that could be included as part of the program;
3) Address dignity issues so those individuals that are new, inexperienced, or require financial assistance are not put in the spotlight; 
4) Change the name from ‘Work Study’ to ‘Work Trade’;
5) Assist the workload by having all participants specify where they would like to volunteer on the registration form;
6) Arrange for Volunteer Coordinator.
The Camp Directors, Cyra and Rachell, will meet to discuss all above options and report back to the Board.

Expansion of Symposium – Limits at PF:  
In reference to expanding the staff vs. limiting registration, Cyra reported that Ben Medford has agreed to be the new Co-Director at Pilgrim Firs. This will ease her workload and registration will not need to be limited at this time. The average census at Pilgrim Firs is 100-105 participants. Options for other workload assists include: 
1) Board members wearing bright vests can be designated as ambassadors to assist with questions and concerns;  
2) Create a welcoming packet, outlining scheduled events, explaining frequently asked questions; and outlining other useful information;
3) Create an artsy central Notice Board with daily updated information and announcements;
 4) Have a designated information booth near Dojo, possibly associated with the First Aid tent. 

Refund Policy – Discussion included pros and cons of enforcing a refund policy for cancellations at the camps. It was agreed that a $125.00 non-refundable admin fee for cancellations would be put in place. The Women’s Hand Carving event is excluded.

MOTION: A motion was made (Karen) “If an individual cancels their symposium registration, there will be a mandatory $125.00 cancellation fee to cover administrative costs”. Seconded (Ellie). None opposed. Motion passed unanimously.

Symposium Calendar – Deadlines – Printing – Tamara requests that the Pilgrim Firs live registration begin in mid-March, Suttle Lake live registration begins mid-April,  Women’s Hand Carving registration in mid-January. Flyers and advertising for camps will need to be ready prior to those dates. 

NWSSA Commission Percentages: 
Aerin requested clarification of percentages for sales at events. NWSSA usually charges 20% at all events unless the Vendor charges. If the Vendor charges 10% then NWSSA will only charge 10%. Best of the West does not take a cut from the sales so NWSSA will be charging 20% at that event. This covers NWSSA’s administrative costs. 

Tabled Items: to be revisited in the future:
Procedure and Protocol Documentation and Backups 
Endowment Funds Received 
Women’s Retreat Expense and Income
Michael: progress on finding auditor 
Events: Discussion: Oregon Events – Member participation, # of events

Final Note from Tamara: All board members are requested to use the BOD Google Calendar to post any days that a member is unavailable. Specifically as to when we will be gone, when we will be back, or otherwise unavailable due to misc. circumstances.

Next Board Meeting has been rescheduled to February 5, 2025, 6:30 – 8:00 pm.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:19 P.M.                                                                              
Minutes respecfully submitted by Secretary, Karen Roe


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