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President’s Message June-July-August 2011

Ah, it’s that time of year again. Summer time. Symposium time. The time of year when we get to gather, get dirty, and play with stone collectively. When I look back on my carving career to date I remember when I stumbled across the NWSSA and see it as a turning point in my life on a myriad of levels. There is something particularly profound in the discovery of a group of people who share your strange passion. And as luck would have it, to find that they also don’t mind sharing their knowledge, processes, friendship and laughter. This experience is unrivaled in my world. So, this year I will again embark on a privilege – the honour of spending time with all you stoners, you who I call my friends. And I know that when we meet this summer, those connections will help me continue my growth as a person and as an artist. I can’t wait to see you all very soon.





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