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Sculptor Doug Neil – Far Away, Yet Still One of Us

Written by M.J. Anderson When making plans autumn 2023 to visit our niece in Christchurch, New Zealand, I thought to look up points of interest that we might not want to miss while “down under.” I googled sculpture garden in the locations we planned to go and found the recently new Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden, […]

Finding Stones for Sculpture and What’s Within

Every spring the melting snows off the Cascades bring down a delightful assortment of rounded and fractured stones and cobbles that only nature can prepare for the coming months of the rivers’ ongoing garage sale. As the waters recede and expose the year’s offerings, my fellow stone carvers and I trek to our favorite rivers […]

Women Carvers Gathering Once Again! 2024

NWSSA is looking forward to offering another Hand Carving Event for women from June 7-9, 2024 at the Old Alcohol Plant (OAP) and Inn. This is the 6th year that OAP will be our venue for this popular event. “Popular” as evident by how quickly the response was to reserve a spot for the weekend! […]

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