2024 Washington Stone Carving Symposium

36th Annual International Stone Carving Symposiumat Pilgrim Firs Camp, Port Orchard, WA July 6th-14th 2024 The Symposium We invite you to join us at Camp Pilgrim Firs for eight full days of playing with stone, communing with nature and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow stone enthusiasts. Bring yourself, your creative energy, your tools, and a favorite […]
About NWSSA Symposia

Typically, NWSSA hosts two major events per year: the Washington State International Sculpture Symposium (for over 32 years), currently held at the Pilgrim Firs Camp & Conference Center in Port Orchard, WA, and the Oregon State International Sculpture Symposium (for over 25 years), currently held at the Suttle Lake Campground in Sisters, OR. These symposium […]
Carving a Face : John Fisher

At Silver Falls symposium John Fisher did many demos. One of our members captured John doing his contour carving, sometimes called profile carving of a face. John creates a delightful journey about the puzzle of carving a face with technique and many insights along the way about planes, shadows, and volumes of the face, all […]
Designing Your Sculpture Studio: Part 1 July/Aug 2004

Ed.: As you will see, Bill has a lot to say about the design and use of a sculpture studio. The Journal will be printing more of his thoughts in the next issue or two, so standby for lots and lots to think about for your present studio, or that perfect one you’ve always dreamed […]