Jeremy Kester – Artist Spotlight

My journey through stone began by chance in 2002. I was up from Sacramento, California visiting my mother in Ashland, Oregon. She was designing a website for a small company producing what they described as “fine art furniture in stone and steel”. The owner came over for a design consultation and dinner one evening, and […]
From the Editors Dec 2021

A Farewell from an Editor … Dear sculptor family, this will be my final issue as Editor of our Sculpture NorthWest Journal. I am taking a break to help catch up on life after the impacts of the pandemic, and to take advantage of new career opportunities. I am so grateful to have had this […]
Larry Lawlor – 1 x 1 x 1 (2021)

We The People Q1: How did the idea come to you? In this order: -GREAT, there will be a symposium this year. -From my meager store of stone I got out a 2.25” thick slab of limestone, 22” L x 16” W. -After spending time with my image files and batting ideas around, I chose to try […]
How I Spent the First Six Months of the Pandemic

By Ken Barnes We have all experienced the pandemic isolation in our own ways. As an introvert, I was thrilled by the requirement to stay home. And I was blessed to have a studio there. I decided it was time to return to the red granite piece I had started about 5 years earlier at […]
President’s Message December 2021
From the President…. I wanted to take this moment to express I wanted to take this moment to express my gratitude to all the dedicated folks of NWSSA. Thank you for your continued support!Wishing everyone a happy holidays and wonderful New Year. Let’s get ready for 2022!Find more information about these events at, JANUARY […]