Ways of Knowing

Bob Leverich’s Commission by the Washington State Arts Commission

to create a sculpture on the grounds of Vashon Island High School.
Ravensdale Quarry Boulder SplitVery early on a Saturday back in June, 2017, we loaded my pick-up with a generator and lots of supplies and headed to the Ravensdale gravel quarry to make this successful boulder split.

Joseph Kincannon – Artist Spotlight

Joseph Kincannon and the Portal of Stone In 1979 I entered the world of stone through an unusual portal; a portal at a cathedral, to be specific, The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. As cathedrals go, this mammoth edifice is a 19th century show of American might. It’s a cathedral […]

A Visit To Hank Nelson’s Cloudstone


Hank Nelson, Cloudstone Sculpture ParkGetting Hank Nelson in front of a microphone on December 8th in front of 30-plus NWSSA members and a few Cloudstone Board Members, was the only challenging part of a talk by Hank, and tour by Board members, of Hank’s vast Whidbey Island utopia/dystopia, Cloudstone.

Hank shared some of the depth and breadth of his experience in carving stone: how he learned to carve marble in the afternoons during an early year in Italy while he learned to cast bronze in the mornings; to the “macho side of me” that led Hank to work graceful yet imposing abstractions in Cascade granite; to the “really” macho side that led to his monumental sculptures.

From the Editors Jan-Feb 2019

Letter from the Editors We start off the New Year with a return to a black and white cover. Don’t let that bother you. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine shows pretty well in gray scale. We enter the cathedral at the invitation of Joseph Kincannon who worked for twelve years on the extension […]

Let’s Meet Luke Nalker

Editors’ note: In the spirit of connection, and because our 2018 Symposiums are over and there is not as much opportunity to get together during the rest of the year, we’d like to use the Journal to introduce ourselves to each other. Each issue will have a photograph of one or two newer members and […]

Lisa Svircic – 1 X 1 X 1 (2019)

1: How did the idea come to you?The idea for this piece came to me from the shape of the original stone. It had a natural twist and arc to it that wanted to become a female torso. I brought this stone to carve at the symposium at Pilgrim Firs this July. 2: Process: Maquette? […]

President’s Message Jan-Feb 2019

From the President….  President’s Message Not long ago, Carl was asked what an artist should consider if they wanted to put their sculpture into a non-gallery setting, such as a coffee shop. Here is Carl’s answer. Ask if the coffee shop has any insurance regarding theft or vandalism, if not, be willing to lose the […]

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