A Frog is born.. obstetrics by George Pratt

George, they said, we need a granite frog for Haller Park. Frog? Hmmmm. Yeah, I guess that’s my thing, I said. So it was that for three of the harshest months in memory, I crouched shivering in a cloud of dust over a granite block that had langished in my yard for twelve years, chips […]

Senden – Artist Spotlight

What is your life history as it relates to being an artist? ‘anoia’ – carved at the Te Kupenga stone sculpture symposium in New Plymouth, New Zealand, January 2016. I feel fortunate to have grown up in an artistic and architectural family, though I didn’t really show much in the way of artistic aptitude until […]

From the Editors May-June 2017

It’s spring! And summer is not far behind. Coming up on July 8-15 is our 30th Annual International Stone Carving Symposium. This symposium (formerly known as Camp Brotherhood) will take place in Port Orchard, Washington this year. See our centerfold for more information. And as if to show how truly international we are, in this […]

2017 Washington State Symposium Centerfold

30th Annual International Stone Carving Symposium at Camp Pilgrim Firs, Port Orchard, WA Thirty years ago a handful of stone sculptors from Washington State and British Columbia gathered for the first NWSSA symposium on a llama ranch in Pateros, WA. They carved, they moved boulders, they (you!) climbed a mountain at midnight for the Harmonic […]

President’s Message May-June 2017

From the President….  NWSSA is an impressive group and I am constantly proud to be a part the commitment. So much to talk about I’ll do my best to keep it short. First a big shout-out to Therese Kingsbury for imagining and pulling off “SKULPT,” an awesomely successful five week-long event the month of April. Thirty-nine sculptures […]

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