Elaine Mackay; More than a Tenth

Elaine Mackay The NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association was saddened to hear of Elaine Mackay’s recent passing in January 2017. In memory of her, we share the following articles, photos, video and your remembrances of Elaine and how she touched so many of us. In her own words: “Carving stone has given me personal happiness, satisfaction […]

Sheri Tangen

The NorthWest Stone Sculptors Association was saddened to hear of the passing of Sheri Tangen on December 2nd 2018. In memory of her, her family shared the following in remembrance of Sheri.Sheri was born in 1954 in North Seattle to Harry and Elin Tangen. She grew up in Richmond Beach in a house that her […]

Nancy Green

Nancy Green Nancy Green was a teacher, mother, artist, and student of Everett DuPen. Nancy joined NWSSA in 1992 and served as a membership chair. Above is a picture of Nancy sketching the field during a Camp Brotherhood Symposium – notice the sculpture walk set-up in the foreground and the barn in the background. Nancy […]

Janet Brown

Janet Brown 1927-2015 Jan was a broadly-trained and multi-talented artist, and NWSSA has been most fortunate to have had her as a member, teacher, and board member over many years. Her varied contributions have added a great deal to the vitality of the organization. “It is a joy and satisfaction to produce a lovely piece […]

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