An Afternoon of Sun and Stone in Volunteer Park 2016

Sculpture Exhibition and Picnic June 12th 12:00-4:00 pm Join Northwest Stone Sculptors Association members for a pop-up sculpture showcase, picnic, and sale on the lawn between SAAM and the Conservatory in Seattle’s Volunteer Park. The sculptors will be showing over 50 of their works and will be onsite to discuss the stones, techniques, and set […]

An Afternoon of Sun and Stone in Volunteer Park 2018

Sculpture Exhibition and PicnicSunday, June 17th 2018 12:00-4:00 pm   Join Northwest Stone Sculptors Association members for a pop-up sculpture showcase, picnic, and sale on the lawn between SAAM and the Conservatory in Seattle’s Volunteer Park. The sculptors will be showing over 50 of their works and will be onsite to discuss the stones, techniques, and […]

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