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Marenakos Tool Day, Yard Sale & Workshop 2016

Start Summer at Marenakos! Tool Day, Yard Sale & Granite Cutting Workshop Marenakos Rock Center, Preston, WA June 18-19, 2016 Saturday, June 18, 2016 10am-4pm All Tools Great & Small Tool companies, Trow and Holden, Concut & Kubota will be giving talks in the morning explaining their line of tools and demonstrations in the afternoon. […]

Alexandra Morosco reflects on Limestone

Alexandra Morosco reflects on Limestone: Keeper of the ancestors Welcome to the Limestone family! Meeting the Limestone family is a lot like meeting The Johnson’s or the Smith’s; you can open any phone book and there are pages of them, but if you were to enter into their homes you would find they are vastly […]

Stephanie Robison loves stone

Stephanie Robison simply loves stone. I started my love affair with stone a little over ten years ago with Danby marble from Vermont. I was enamored by the sharpness of it, the predictability of how it breaks, the way it yields and responds to a chisel. Having tried many other types of stone, I keep […]

Camp B Centerfold 2016

CAMP BROTHERHOOD JULY 9 THROUGH 17, 2016 It’s been hours, or days, or a lifetime. Time lost its ticking in the tiny landscape of stone in front of you, only evident in the growing pile of chips and dust around your feet, and the minutely drastic changes in the stone’s current face. You’re making progress! […]

From the Editors May-June 2016

LETTER FROM THE OXFORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY Sculpture: the art of making forms, often representational, in the round or in relief, by chiseling, carving, modeling, casting, etc. Stone: a solid, nonmetallic mineral matter; representing something not easily malleable, i.e. hard as stone. Tools: any devices or implements used to carry out or used in an occupation […]

Keith Philips: Tools of the Trade

Page from the Past…Keith Philips: Tools of the Trade by Terry SlatonDressed as a 19th century instructor in a trade school he explained many things about the conditions when stone work was the major building method. Then he quick-changed into the garb of a turn-of-the-century stone cutter, or banker mason, with black coat, vest and […]

Daniel Michael on Marble

Daniel Michael talks about stone and shows us a marble piece Slowly walking through the morning air, listen to the warble of thrushes moving through the remaining trees around the wetlands. A haze of dust begins to rise above the green field. A cloud moves over the gathered workers and their canopies. An energetic flirtation […]

Carl Nelson currently loves Olivene

Carl Nelson currently loves Olivene I don’t have a favorite stone, but I’m currently in a serious courtship with Olivene, better known to most of you as “dunite”. The stone, as found at the top of the Cascade Mountains by Mount Baker in Washington, is a tan orange on the outside and anywhere from a […]

Bob Olander loves onyx and marble

Bob Olander loves blue/green onyx and marble My stone preferences change over time and with the project I have in mind. My current favorite is a blue/green onyx from South America, which I’ve been carefully hoarding for special projects and inspiration. I like this stone for the striking colors, random patterns, and its marvelous translucence. […]

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