When Is It YOUR Art?

Since most art historians agree that while Rodin is undoubtedly world famous as a sculptor, other artists carved most if not all of his marble pieces. That gave us the idea of putting the above question to six of our members. Here is how they answered it. Arliss Newcomb Jim Tobin Lee Gass Michael Binkley Michael […]
Verena Schwippert Awarded Snohomish Arts 3-D Artist of the Year

VERENA SCHWIPPERT NAMED 3-D ARTIST OF THE YEAR BY SNOHOMISH COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL Verena was born in Bergkamen, Westphalia, Germany and completed her education in Germany with her B.F.A. degree in Art Education at the University of Hamburg in l973. After moving to Seattle in l974, she spent a few years living and working in […]
From the Editors Mar-Apr 2015
Greetings to you all and to daylight savings time. The days are already noticeably longer and that’s good news for carvers. We are doing something different with this issue. While reading another of Chip Cooper’s articles about Rodin (online at his coopertoons.com) we pondered once again the question of “How many of his marble pieces […]
President’s Message Mar-Apr 2015
We have a strong and supportive community that shares its hard-won knowledge. That support combined with your creative effort has produced sculpture worth sharing with the world, which is why you are now being asked display at so many outstanding and different venues. Many of you are submitting pieces for consideration and I know there’s many more […]