Pippa Unwin – Her Animals

THE ANIMALS OF PIPPA UNWIN The fact that she loves animals is reflected in her work. It is also evident when looking at her web page at www.mewstonemasonry.com. This address as chosen not only because her husband lived near the little rocky island off Plymouth known as the Mewstone, but because it also contains the […]
Marie Sivak – Alabaster and Light

MARIE SIVAK’S WORLD OF ALABASTER AND LIGHT Excerpts from her interview with writer Nikki Grattan published online by San Francisco based In The Make “We visited Marie in her bright and airy Portland studio in an industrial area right near the Willamette River… One of Marie’s main preoccupations in her work is the exploration of […]
From the Editors Jan-Feb 2015
When, occasionally, Spotlight interviews with our members are not available, we like to take a look around the NorthWest sculpture scene to find artists whose work we can feature in Sculpture NorthWest. In this issue, we include the work of Marie Sivak, a Portland based artist who is a NWSSA member and has been the […]
President’s Message Jan-Feb 2015
One of the things NWWSA members are always interested in, is opportunities to show their work. Here are a few. First is the Seattle Flower and Garden Show Feb 11-15th (see: https://carvestone.org/n-membership/call-for-artists for more info). In addition to the opportunity to show your work, this is the year we will “refresh” the booth design. If […]