Vashon Studio Tour 2014

December 13, 2014 3-9 pm on Vashon  We ain’t selling nothing but a damn good time…(and probably a lot of Michael’s jewelry because it’s both beautiful and in an accessible price range.) Anthony Kaufmann of 3000bc Studios joins forces with multimedia artist Cyra Jane and jewelry master Michael Kenney to host the premier stone-centric studio party on […]

A Bird In The Hand from Silver Falls Symposium

BIRD IN THE HAND FROM SILVER FALLS SYMPOSIUMBy Lisa Svircic When I joined NWSSA a year ago, I had no idea how awesome you all are and how much I’d learn in such a short time! I am really grateful for this organization and for everyone involved in it. My first time at Silver Falls […]

President’s Message Nov-Dec 2014

I recently found myself in a conversation with a group of people about selecting art for a show. The topic of “art and craft” came up and I found myself saying: it’s art when the hand is not certain of where it is going before it starts. Otherwise it’s craft. It seemed to make sense […]

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