Kazutaka Uchida: Life as an Artist

KAZUTAKA UCHIDA: Life As An Artist By Kentaro Kojima Kazutaka Uchida’s first catalyst for becoming a sculptor came fifty or so years ago. While walking through Auguste Rodin’s exhibition in the National Museum of Modern Art in Kyoto, he came upon a piece called “La Pensee.” The piece was a pure white marble and depicted the […]
Silver Falls Centerfold 2014

WORKSHOPS AND INSTRUCTORS In 2-14, the Silver Falls Stone Carving Symposium brought together several world class sculpting masters for a unique opportunity. From classical Roman figurative, to modern minimalism and the tools and equipment used to create small and large scale sculptural installations, there is knowledge and inspiration to be gained for the novice student […]
President’s Message July-August 2014
A big THANKS! to all those who gave on May 6th to the GiveBIG campaign. Because of your generosity, a total of a little over $2,670, including the match from the Seattle Foundation, was raised. THANK YOU! Your giving helps fund the running of the symposiums, the tools, scholarships, and some basic administration of the organization. Our July Camp-B […]