2013 Winter Party Trivia

Q. At what facility along the banks of the Columbia River, near Portland, Oregon, did this year’s NWSSA revelers meet for their Winter Party?



A. Oregon member Kim Lewis, who works as Property Manager at Marylhurst, Oregon for the Sisters of the Holy Names, made arrangements for the 2013 Winter Party, at the Sister’s Historic Laundry Building. This 1907 building, totally renovated in 2004, housed the original boiler that provided heat for the Convent, Christie School Orphanage and Marylhurst College (now University). The nuns were the first teachers for the Oregon Trail settlers, and helped legalize private education by winning a US Supreme Court decision in the early 1930’s. Opening in 2001, the nuns sponsored the Mary’s Woods Retirement Community to be built, incorporating their own Convent into the structure. This beautiful facility now fulfills their mission for elder care to the public, providing independent living units through assisted and Alzheimer care.

Thank you, Kim for using your connections to secure this beautiful location for us. The turnout was not large, but those who traveled from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia certainly made merry.

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