SAFETY: How To Wear Soft Foam Earplugs

ROLL, PULL, HOLD – not exactly STOP DROP ROLL At our Monday morning safety meeting, a few years ago, the subject of the week was Hearing Protection. The company safety officer covered all of the require elements of hearing protection and that along with the documentation sufficed the annual yearly training requirement. The difference this […]

Core Dill and Blade – Glazed Diamond Segments

ed note: Since this was written much has changed in the diamond tool industry and the links below now go to the internet archive. When using a diamond core drill or blade that seems to slow down or stop cutting this might be just the advice you need. When using a diamond core drills, drilling […]


Part of this material I used in the 20 hour granite course I taught at Pratt. Most of the info is from Tom Urban’s workshop at Camp Brotherhod, some from a workshop by Don Ramey that Hank Nelson organized at my place years ago. If you find anything useful, please add it to the article […]

Grinder Blades and Diamonds

Some thoughts on diamond blades

If you only get one…..

which one will do you the most good?

For the sake of clarity, let’s just talk about what you could get that would be most useful with any small electric grinder, rated for 4 1/2″ or 5″ blades, single speed, for a mix of hard and soft stones.   I will try to offer my reasons for choosing one of the many kinds of diamond blades available, based on what different chores it can do, how versatile it is, and how affordable it is.  

diamondBladesAdjI will talk about the different kinds of diamond blades, what each is best at, etc.  First we must acknowledge that none of them were designed for carving.  We are a tiny fringe market, and we use tools that were made for construction and industry.  Most of the work we do with diamond blades is on the manufacturers’ DON’T DO THIS list, which just means we have to be cautious and not push the blades too hard.

Compressors – for your air tools

This post is a plug to give Jeff Powell’s Air Compressors for Carving Stone a read. Its a useful overview and has enough terminology, detail, and advice to get you started and help make some choices in getting going. Compressor Question: What size compressor will I need? Answer: The tool with the highest air consumption […]

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