Craig Breitbach Gallery
Craig Fall City
CampB Symposium 2011, July 9th to 17th
Mount Vernon International Symposium 2011 is pleased to announce Guest Artist:
Matt Auvinen has been carving for over 30 years. He received his BA from California StateUniversity, Chico and his MFA from Bowling Green State University in Ohio.In 1988 Matt moved to Pietrasanta where he worked as an artisan for several sculpturelaboratories. For 12 of his 20 years in Italy, Matt taught sculpture and drawing for a private,university level, art program in Florence. His sculptural foundation is from working withmixed media. Matt has worked with cast bronze, welded steel, plaster and wood. Found objectassemblage became a focus of his work in the late 80s and this sensibility has been projectedon to his work in stone. – Matt will be offering comprehensive workshops on mold-making, reproductions, pointing, and direct carving methods.
Symposium Schedule (as of June 28th) [click here]
Register on-line – [click here]
To download a PDF of the registration form: click here
To view and download a PDF of our 2011 Camp B brochure- click here
To view and download a flyer for the Art Walk in the Meadow July 16th – click here
(For those who registered, due to the Canadian Postal strike, we are posting
these “post registration” documents: “Registration Thank You” & “What to Bring“)
What you might find at our Silver Falls Symposium, August 28-Sept 01, 2010

NWSSA’s fall stone carving symposium happens every year in a special place. Oregon’s Silver Falls State Park has preserved a lavish display of dense forest stitched with miles of trails leading us to no fewer than ten magnificent waterfalls. Right in the center of this wonder is a tree shrouded meadow where we set […]
Randy Zeiber of Neolithic Stone video
Yes, you can buy tools and stone at Silver Falls and Camp B. Here is an interview with one of our vendors: