Northwest Flower and Garden Show – Nov/Dec 2007

NWSSA has been invited once again to participate in this prestigious show. It’s a great place to contact thousands of Show visitors. Our booth has been a proven way to recruit new members and offer opportunities for sales. While direct sales are not allowed for non-profit educational organizations, booth visitors interested in a displayed sculpture […]
Outdoor Sculpture in Arlington Nov/Dec 2007
Scientists have told us for a while now that there is no center of the universe. This disturbing lack has been astutely and courageously remedied by one of our own fellow artists, Kirk McLean. As luck might have it, his center is where we live, where we are, in Arlington, WA and it happens to […]
The Stone Column: Alabaster Nov/Dec 2007

Ed: this column on alabaster was last printed in Sculpture NorthWest in the March/April, 2001 issue. Bill Laprade (say it La Prawd) lives in Seattle and is a stone sculptor and a geologist. As a past NWSSA Board Officer for four years, he helped shape the policies for many Association procedures and Symposia. Bill is […]
Ten Days at a Chateau in France Nov/Dec 2007

Ed: This September, Tonie and Wade Marlow of the Blue Horse Gallery in Bellingham, shepherded 26 painters, photographers and sculptors to France. Five days in Paris, ten days at a private chateau in the countryside east of Poitiers…….yes, it was as good as it sounds. Some of the travelers were NWSSA members and two of […]
A Carver’s Trip to Pietrasanta: Part 2 2007

Ed: In this final episode of Michael and Michele’s trip to Pietrasanta, we will hear and see about his commission carvings and what it was like to live and work in Italy. Thanks, Michael, for sharing your story. I was a bit of an odd ball at the studio. Most tourist sculptors who travel to […]
Nichole Sharpe – Artist Spotlight

SN: Who are you? NS: My name is Nichole Sharpe I’m a dreamer, an observer, a questioner, a problem solver and an artist. I live in West Seattle and work in my recently completed home studio. SN: What is your life history as it relates to being an artist? NS: My mother was an artist. […]
President’s Message – Nov/Dec 2007

Late fall, early winter, the time of feasting is upon us from Halloween to New Years Day. With a bit of trepidation, I donned costume paraphernalia and attended NWSSA’s Fall Fest at the symposium. I needn’t have worried. We had a DeWalt angle grinder, a nymph in white, a core drill (big one), and 2 Chinese […]