Infinity Upward – May/June 2005

Here is an Ethiopian story close to my heart. In it I will tell you why I felt moved to sculpt ‘Infinity Upward’. As I said in the January/February issue of Sculpture NorthWest, my wife and I went to Ethiopia last year for a few weeks. We were able to visit many historical places, […]
Candyce Garrett – Artist Spotlight (2007)
SN: Who are you? CG: My name is Candyce Garrett and I am a granite sculptor from Galisteo, New Mexico who has had the privilege to instruct at both Camp brotherhood and Silver Falls. SN: What life experiences affected your direction in art? CG: My first time in the Northwest was a trip to Camp […]
President’s Message – May/June 2007

The year end financials for NWSSA are complete. If any of you would like a copy of our Profit and Loss statement, contact me at: or 541-298-1012. In April, your Board of Directors held a working retreat to discuss the goals of our organization and our roles as a working board. This is somewhat […]
Report on Verena Schwipperts Granite Hands Commission – May/June 2007
The three chubby, granite boulders Verena started with weighed in at a whopping eighteen tons. By virtue of her hard work, she has slimed then down to a trim sixteen tons. Working on the hands every day now, Verena raises dust clouds that have reportedly been seen drifting by Orcas Island. One imagines them circling […]
Impressions of Stone Sculpture Around Marble Mountain, Vietnam – May/June 2007

Vietnam is industry in action, a country in the process of reinventing itself. Everywhere you look you see people busy making something or selling something. As we left Da Nang on our way to Hoi An, we stopped at Marble Mountain, a village situated in the midst of five mountains each named for the five […]
Boris Spivak

Remembering Our Teacher, Mentor, Friend Boris Spivak 1938-2007 Boris immigrated to the USA in November 1980. He talked to us about it at one of the early Symposia. Not knowing English, he worked here first as a janitor, and the self-portraits that he painted at the time, show someone almost invisible. How do you start a new […]
2007 Flower and Garden Show – May/June 2007
Our past F&G show booths have offered various ideas and designs to enhance and educate the public on stone sculpture and about NWSSA. These have included winning a “Best Design Educational Booth Award.” Thank you, Nicky Oberholtzer. This year’s design hit the nail on the head, as far as showing who we are and […]